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Glue Admin App

As you will have already experienced, your workspace will show you all of the information in relation to your business and how Glue is working for you, however a lot of business owners are constantly on the move, therefore we have launched our new version Glue Admin App that allows you the business owner access to your business on the go.


The Glue Admin App gives you an overview of how your business is operating, allows you to add and modify your products or services, keep up with your weekly work plan, and provide the ability to monitor and interact with your member’s club.


On a tablet, the Glue Admin App will also have the extra features of Order Handling capabilities as well as your very own POS.


When you log on to your Glue Admin App you choose the business that you want to attend to, you may have one single business or many, once you choose the business you will be able to see the list of features available for that business



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