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Scratch Cards

Based on your level of price plan: The scratch card is a virtual version of the famous scratch card games. Clients scratch the grey area and find out if they’ve got a winning ticket.

All club members are entitled to participate in the scratch cards raffle. Cards are being sent based on that raffle. Each client wins either the main prize or points as a consolation prize.

To add a new card, go to the ‘Offerings’ section on the left menu, go to the ‘Scratch Cards’ tab and click on the plus sign




Add a title and a period of time where the card is active.

In the ‘Game Rules’ section, set how many of the main prizes will be given away, the winning ratio for the main prize and the date that this scratch card will be active.

For example – You have set a number of 6 prizes, a ratio of 1 winner to 100 scratches and you have 700 members. Let’s say 450 of them won the raffle and received the scratch cards. You will provide 4 prizes while the rest of the members (446 members) will receive the consolation prize. Once you add more members, additional members will have the opportunity to win the remaining 2 prizes based on the ratio you initially set.




In the ‘Winning Card’ section, you can set the main prize (product, service, points or anything else you wish) and the last date to redeem the scratch card 




In the ‘Losing card’ section, this is where you set the amount of consolation points to the members that don’t win a prize




You can also set the card layout – if you wish the background to be a colour or an image.




Once you are done, click “Save”

Members get the scratch card as a pop-up window when they open the app. If won, the benefits can be viewed and redeemed within the ‘My Rewards’ Tab


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