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Points Earning Rules

In auto-events management, you activate/deactivate events that will trigger receiving points & rewards by clients and set the number of points/type of the reward each event grants. Once you update the events, the auto-events system will automatically start providing clients with points & rewards based on these events. Clients receive a notice regarding the points & rewards, keeping them waiting for the next surprise.

In the redeem options tab set what the collected points can be redeemed towards – products, services or any other rewards you wish to provide clients. The number of points could be set that each cent equals one point. For example, The price of the product is $80, the number of points needed to redeem this product will be 8000 points

In the ‘Point shop’ page within the app, the clients can see the redeem options for the points they have accumulated.



Click on each section to amend and adjust the trigger to suit your preferences along with when you wish for the trigger to be activated.

Once you click on the edit icon, You will need to determine whether you want this event to reward your customer or to invite them to engage with your member’s club more. Use the slider to deactivate the reward and/or the pencil icon to edit the feature as per the screenshots below:



For further advice or information on editing your points earning rules, please contact our support team through our chat feature or at



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